Music for All Grants Program | Initial Rounds Completed

Numerous Funding Awards Made

The Australian music industry charity, Music for All has since it’s launch late last year made numerous small awards to people and organisations that have found themselves in need of funding to continue their studies, procure or replace musical instruments as  well as helping organisations in need – grants are exclusively made within our criteria for individuals or organiations and are designed to serve those in need of help to continue their music making and to assist organisations in helping people make music.

Our grantees so far have included students, schools and community bands. All aimed to assist with those in need to make music.

Application for the first two rounds have included students, families, teachers, principals, members of local council and others. While applicants have been unsuccessful it can sometimes be a matter of only having so many funds to go around in each round and as long as the application criteria is met repeat applications are encouraged

 The first two rounds of small grants funding have helped a variety of different circumstances.

Sara Banjimin was helped with a new trombone to continue her studies. Her Mother, Carol Maddern said “We would like to thank Music for All for the grant monies to purchase Sara’s trombone, being a low-income family, it will assist us greatly in supporting our daughter’s love and passion of playing music. Having her own instrument, she will be able to pursue playing in orchestral bands beyond secondary school. Thank-you. With much appreciation, Danny & Carol (Sara’s Parents).

Sara, with Yamaha’s Leigh Olsen at the instrument presentation

The Burnside State School, a low socio economic school on Queensland’s sunshine coast which was provided with new instruments to grow its successful school band’s program to where is has been able to start a concert band program with Music for All funding. Head of Music, Liz Druitt, said “thank you to Music for All for everything you have done for us. It has lifted Burnside from being a brass school to now being a concert band school ready take on Fanfare next year. It has been phenomenal.”

The early childhood centra and toy library at Geraldton WA was assisted with an acoustic guitar from Taylor in our first round of funding.

Laura Hurley said  “Funding from Music for All has enabled me to engage my community’s youngest children in music by leading singing and percussion sessions with toddlers and pre-schoolers. My hope is that these music sessions will inspire children and their parents to continue music discovery in their own home and that this love of music will continue long into the future”.

Since its inception in 2016, the band has been borrowing various drum kits for use at rehearsals and performances. When we moved into our new band room at the start of 2022 we no longer had access to a drum kit. Thanks to the ‘Music For All’ grant we now have a fantastic new drum kit for our community concert band for use at both rehearsals and performances.

Not only has this benefited our concert band and particularly our young percussionist but our audiences too. Our band continues to grow and the acquisition of a new drum kit will continue to help us deliver a professional level of music to our community.

“The Mudgee Concert Band would like to thank ‘Music For All’ for their generous donation of a new Yamaha drum kit.

With much appreciation, Katherine Wilson, Musical Director

More Grants News to Follow. Stay tuned.


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